Complete this form when you are requesting to change the date, time or venue of a scheduled game. This form must be submitted to the South VP of Operations at vpoperations@rmfhl.com or North VP of Operations at northvpoperations@gmail.com.

Any requests to play a different team in a tiering game must be submitted to the Vice Presidents at vicepresident@rmfhl.com or southvicepresident@rmfhl.com by the requesting team's MHA Director. Requests for team changes from managers and coaches will not be accepted. A decision will be made by the RMFHL Executive in consultation with the RMFHL Schedulers.

Use this form any time you require a substitute goalie. The need could be due to, but not limited to an injury, illness or emergency. Please fill out the form and submit it to your director who will review it and then submit it to either of the Vice Presidents of RMFHL at vicepresident@rmfhl.com, southvicepresident@rmfhl.com or the President of RMFHL at president@rmfhl.com for final approval. 
Hockey Alberta approval is no longer required, once approved by the RMFHL Executive the goalie is cleared to participate in the requested game.
** If you have an affiliated goalie on your roster this form is not required for them to partipcate in a game as they are considered on your official roster. **

Use this form to submit an official complaint regarding an incident that occurred at a scheduled RMFHL game or event. This form must be completed in full and include a signature from your local Female Director or Association President or designate. All completed forms must be submitted to the Vice Presidents of RMFHL at vicepresident@rmfhl.com and southvicepresident@rmfhl.com.

Use this form to submit your name to run for any of the upcoming available Executive positions at the AGM. All nominations must be received by the RMFHL 10 days prior to the AGM to allow the nominations to be posted on the RMFHL website with their platforms.